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Ljubljana Forum - Group exhibition with Salvador Club- AAMI Exhibition
🗓 Date: 3.-4. October 2024
📍 Location: Ljubljana Castle
Ljubljana Forum, which takes place every year at the Ljubljana Castle. As part of this event, we have been organizing an exhibition of art works for several years in a row. Despite the fact that it is a two-day exhibition, the reactions of the fo
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Coming soon...

ArtExpo in Trieste, Italy - December 2024
We are thrilled to announce our participation in the prestigious ArtExpo in Trieste, Italy, this December. Explore an array of stunning artworks that showcase the finest in contemporary art. This event is a must-visit for art collectors, enthusiasts, and anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of modern artistry.

🗓 Date: 13-15 December 2024
📍 Location: Magazzino 42 Trieste, Italy

Mark your calendars and join us for these incredible events celebrating the beauty and creativity of original art. We look forward to seeing you

m participants have been very positive every year. The Ljubljana Forum, which lasts for two days, hosts many distinguished guests from all over Europe, where discussions are held on the development and management of European cities.

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NeuroDreams exhibition Ročinj

🗓 Date: 31.August-6.September 2024
📍 Location: Ročinj - Slovenija

NeuroDreams, a unique series of abstract energy paintings where art and mind intertwine. This collection is inspired by the power of neuroplasticity, the science of how our brains can adapt and develop through experience. Each work captures the essence of manifestation—the process by which thoughts and desires become reality—while celebrating the tenacity of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Using bold colors, dynamic shapes and intricate textures, these energetic works of art invite you to explore the infinite possibilities of the mind. They capture the journey of growth, the beauty of change, and the unwavering determination to pursue one's dreams. As you walk through the exhibit, we hope you find inspiration in the abstract depictions of thoughts becoming tangible, challenges turning into triumphs, and the endless possibilities that lie within each of us.
Let *NeuroDreams* serve as a reminder that with persistence and vision, no dream is out of reach.

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ART Expo Ljubljana 2023

🗓 Date: 12.10.-15.10.2023
📍 Location: Ljubljana Brdo

The pinnacle of art and creativity at ART Expo Ljubljana, Slovenia’s premier international art biennale. From 12th to 15th October 2023, the Brdo Congress Centre, located within the stunning Brdo Estate, welcomed over 8,000 visitors and showcased more than 400 exhibitors and performers.

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Solo exhibition 2023

In the months of July and August 2023 Kristina had the privilege to
have her first solo exhibition in the building of the municipality of
Hrpelje-Kozina Slovenja.

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Skupinska razstava: Kulturno društvo Kras razstavlja v Štanjelu

Skupinska razstava decembra 2022 v Štanjelu je združila umetnike, ki skozi svoja dela izražajo edinstvene poglede na svet okoli sebe. V čarobnem ambientu srednjeveškega Štanjela so bila predstavljena slikarska, kiparska in fotografska dela, ki so raziskovala teme narave, kulturne dediščine in sodobne identitete. Razstava je povezala tradicijo in sodobnost ter obiskovalcem ponudila priložnost, da doživijo umetnost v prazničnem vzdušju kraškega bisera.

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Skupinska razstava v Krajevni skupnosti Nova Gorica December 2022

Galerijski list iz razstave v Krajevni skupnosti Nova Gorica

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Razstava Betanja 2022

Skupinska razstava v Galeriji Pr'Krščaki v Betanji, ki je potekala v mesecih juniju in juliju 2022, je predstavila raznolika umetniška dela lokalnih ustvarjalcev Kulturnega društva Kras. Razstava je skozi različne medije – od slik in kipov do fotografij – raziskovala teme, povezane z naravo, prostorom in človekom. S tem je ponudila obiskovalcem vpogled v bogato ustvarjalno dogajanje ter spodbudila dialog med umetnostjo in skupnostjo v idiličnem okolju Betanje.

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Ex-tempore Piran 2021 - Major Sponsors' Purchase Prize

Ex-tempore Piran
is an extremely popular art event, recognizable for its competitive character and its more than half a century long tradition. It is attended by academically educated and amateur artists of all generations from Slovenia and other countries, in particular from Slovenia's neighboring countries. Over the years, the event has become indispensable and contributes greatly to the cultural pulse of the tourist town Piran.

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Božično novoletna razstava Kulturnega društva Kras

Božično-novoletna razstava Kulturnega društva Kras prinaša praznično vzdušje skozi raznovrstna umetniška dela lokalnih ustvarjalcev. Razstava se osredotoča na motive, ki odražajo toplino in čarobnost božičnega in novoletnega časa, od tradicionalnih prazničnih prizorov do sodobnih interpretacij. Z razstavo društvo oživlja duh skupnosti in povezanosti ter vabi obiskovalce, da se prepustijo prazničnemu vzdušju in lepoti kraške ustvarjalnosti.

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Skupinska razstava Zgonik 2019

Skupinska razstava kulturnega društva Kras v Zgoniku, združuje ustvarjalce različnih generacij in stilov, ki skozi svoje delo izražajo povezanost z bogato kulturno dediščino Krasa. Razstava predstavlja širok spekter umetniških del, od slikarstva in kiparstva do fotografije, ki raziskujejo motive narave, prostora in človeka. S svojo raznolikostjo in ustvarjalno energijo razstava ponuja vpogled v sodobno kraško umetnost ter spodbuja kulturni dialog med umetniki in obiskovalci.

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1.Ex-tempore Kras 2019

Ex-tempore Kras 2019 - Sponsors purchase prize Fitnes Planet Sežana

I am deeply honored to receive the Sponsors' Purchase Prize at Ex-tempore Kras 2019, generously sponsored by Fitness Planet Sežana. This recognition is a meaningful affirmation of my work as a painter and an encouragement to continue exploring my creative journey.

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She-Phoenix sculpture

The sculture made at the workshop held under the supervision of the academic sculptor Marijan Mirt

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Tri lepe stvari - Three beautiful things

Prize for best photo book at the digital-camera course with Zdenko Bombek in Koper 2018

Tri lepe stvari" je fotoknjiga, ki skozi očarljive in skrbno izbrane fotografije prinaša tri preproste, a lepe trenutke iz vsakdanjega življenja. Knjiga raziskuje lepoto v drobnih stvareh, od narave do mestnega vrveža, ter vabi bralca, da se ustavi in občuduje lepote, ki nas obdajajo.